for: |
Date Completed: |
by: |
Personal |
Morning Routine: |
Take 15-30 minutes to review your schedule and prioritize tasks for the day. |
Check emails and respond to urgent messages. |
End-of-Day Review: |
Review what was accomplished during the day. |
Plan for the next day's tasks and priorities. |
Networking: |
Build and maintain relationships that can benefit your business. |
Operations |
Team Briefing: |
Hold a brief (15-30 minute) morning meeting to discuss priorities and address any immediate concerns. |
Review Supervisor entries for each current project. Discuss exceptions with supervisors. |
Review schedules for each current project to determine where problems might be coming |
Ensure that everyone is clear on their tasks for the day. |
Task Delegation: |
Delegate tasks to appropriate team members. |
Empower your team to take ownership of their responsibilities. |
Task Execution: |
Execute and oversee key tasks and projects. |
Review Metrics: |
Identify any trends or issues that need attention. |
Monitor daily key performance indicators (KPIs). |
Health and Safety: |
Address any immediate safety concerns. |
Ensure that safety protocols are being followed. |
Document Management: |
Organize and archive important business documents. |
Sales and Marketing |
Sales Monitoring: |
Track daily sales and compare them to targets. |
Workforce |
Employee Interaction: |
Address any HR-related issues promptly. |
Provide feedback and support to employees. |
Clients |
Customer Engagement: |
Respond to customer inquiries and address any issues. |
Finance and Risk |
Financial Check: |
Determine balances in operations checking accounts |
Monitor daily cash flow and review any major financial transactions. |
PRINT: Portrait, Margins=Minimum, Scale=Default |
for: |
Date Completed: |
by: |
Personal |
Self-Reflection: |
Identify areas for personal and professional growth. |
Take time for self-reflection on your leadership and business decisions. |
Operations |
Task Prioritization: |
Ensure that deadlines are being met. |
Review and update task lists and project priorities. |
Review Metrics: |
Analyze trends and identify areas for improvement. |
Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your business. |
Review Goals: |
Adjust goals for the upcoming week based on performance. |
Evaluate progress toward weekly goals. |
Strategic Planning: |
Adjust strategies based on emerging trends or challenges. |
Evaluate progress toward long-term goals. |
Technology and Systems Check: |
Ensure that your business technology is functioning properly. |
Schedule any necessary software updates or maintenance. |
Social Media and Online Presence: |
Monitor online reviews and respond to customer comments. |
Update social media profiles and post relevant content. |
Document Organization: |
Ensure that records are up-to-date and easily accessible. |
Organize and file important documents. |
Sales and Marketing |
Sales and Marketing: |
Review status of all prospective projects. |
Evaluate sales performance against targets. |
Clients |
Customer Engagement: |
Review status of pending Estimates |
Monitor customer feedback on social media and other platforms. |
Customer Follow-up: |
Follow up with key customers or clients. |
Workforce |
Employee Check-in: |
Hold a brief team meeting to discuss priorities and address any concerns. |
Finance and Risk |
Review Financials: |
Review weekly financial reports |
Monitor expenses and revenue against your budget. |
Use Six-Week Cash Flow Analysis to check your cash flow. |
Check Cash Position: |
Monitor your cash position and ensure you have enough funds for upcoming expenses. |
Review outstanding invoices and follow up on payments. |
Legal and Compliance Check: |
Review any upcoming compliance deadlines. |
PRINT: Portrait, Margins=Minimum, Scale=Default |
for: |
Date Completed: |
by: |
Personal |
Reflection and Planning: |
Take time to reflect on the month's performance. |
Plan for the upcoming month, adjusting strategies and setting priorities. |
Communication: |
Communicate with key stakeholders, including employees and suppliers, to address any issues and provide updates. |
Operations |
Goal Assessment: |
Adjust goals or strategies based on your monthly performance. |
Evaluate progress toward your business goals. |
Performance Metrics: |
Analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your business. |
Assess the effectiveness of your strategies and make adjustments as needed. |
Technology Check: |
Ensure that your business technology, including software and hardware, is functioning properly. |
Update software and perform necessary system maintenance. |
Document Management: |
Ensure that all receipts, invoices, and financial records are properly filed. |
Sales and Marketing |
Customer Acquisition: |
Evaluate the success of recent customer acquisition efforts. |
Explore new ways to acquire customers or clients. |
Sales and Marketing: |
Plan and execute marketing initiatives. |
Customer Feedback: |
Identify areas for improvement in customer satisfaction. |
Review customer feedback and address any issues or concerns. |
Marketing Updates: |
Plan and schedule social media posts. |
Finance and Risk |
Bank Reconciliation: |
Check balances of all Lines of Credit |
Investigate and resolve any discrepancies. |
Reconcile all credit card accounts |
Reconcile your bank statements to ensure they match your accounting records. |
Expense Review: |
Ensure that all expenses are properly documented and categorized. |
Review all business expenses and identify any areas where costs can be reduced. |
Financial Statements: |
Generate and review monthly financial statements, including an income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. |
Review your financial performance and identify any variances from your budget or expectations. |
Budget vs. Actual Analysis: |
Analyze any significant differences and adjust your future budgets accordingly. |
Compare your actual financial results with your budgeted figures. |
Review Budget-to-Actual report for each current job. |
Accounts Payable: |
Review accounts payable and ensure that all bills are scheduled for payment. |
Take advantage of any early payment discounts offered by vendors. |
Accounts Receivable: |
Consider sending reminders or making collection calls if necessary. |
Review accounts receivable and follow up on any overdue payments. |
Legal Compliance: |
Ensure compliance with any legal requirements, such as business licenses and permits. |
Review contracts and agreements to ensure they are up-to-date. |
Tax Planning: |
Keep track of deductible expenses and ensure compliance with tax regulations. |
Monitor your tax obligations and consider any tax planning opportunities. |
PRINT: Portrait, Margins=Minimum, Scale=Default |
for: |
Date Completed: |
by: |
Personal |
Networking and Industry Involvement: |
Attend industry events or network with peers. |
Stay informed about industry trends and innovations. |
Operations |
Review Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): |
Analyze KPIs relevant to your business. |
Identify areas for improvement or optimization. |
Goal Adjustment: |
Adjust goals for the upcoming quarter if needed. |
Evaluate progress toward annual goals. |
Strategic Planning: |
Adjust your business strategies for the next quarter and beyond. |
Evaluate progress toward your annual goals and objectives. |
Quarterly Business Review Meeting: |
Conduct a comprehensive review meeting with key stakeholders. |
Discuss performance, challenges, and strategies moving forward. |
Technology Update: |
Assess the performance of your business technology. |
Google your company and review the information you find |
Plan for any necessary updates or upgrades. |
Document Management: |
Ensure that records are up-to-date and easily accessible. |
Sales and Marketing |
Marketing Evaluation: |
Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. |
Adjust marketing plans based on performance. |
Market Analysis: |
Identify opportunities or threats to your business. |
Review market trends and changes in the competitive landscape. |
Sales Monitoring: |
Adjust sales strategies based on performance. |
Clients |
Customer Feedback Analysis: |
Analyze customer feedback and satisfaction data. |
Implement improvements based on customer feedback. |
Customer Retention Strategies: |
Develop strategies to retain existing customers. |
Implement loyalty programs or special offers. |
Workforce |
Employee Performance Reviews: |
Conduct performance reviews for your team. |
Set goals and expectations for the next quarter. |
Feedback from Employees: |
Solicit feedback from employees on company processes and culture. |
Use feedback to make improvements. |
Training and Development: |
Identify training needs for yourself and your team. |
Plan for professional development opportunities. |
Finance and Risk |
Employee Payroll: |
Remit payroll taxes and any other required deductions. |
Budget Adjustment: |
Adjust the budget for the remaining quarters based on your analysis. |
Compare actual financial performance to the budget. |
Financial Review: |
Analyze revenue, expenses, and profits for trends and anomalies. |
Conduct a comprehensive review of your financial statements. |
Legal Compliance Check: |
Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. |
Review contracts and agreements for renewal or updates. |
Tax Planning: |
Identify potential tax-saving opportunities. |
Review your tax position and consult with your accountant. |
PRINT: Portrait, Margins=Minimum, Scale=Default |
for: |
Date Completed: |
by: |
Personal |
Networking and Industry Involvement: |
Network with peers and stay informed about industry developments. |
Attend industry conferences or events. |
Operations |
Performance Metrics Review: |
Identify trends and areas for improvement. |
Review and analyze performance metrics. |
Operational Efficiency Evaluation: |
Evaluate the efficiency of your business operations. |
Identify areas for streamlining processes. |
SWOT Analysis: |
Conduct a semi-annual SWOT analysis. |
Strategic Planning Session: |
Hold a strategic planning session. |
Reassess long-term goals and adjust strategies as needed. |
Legal Structure Review: |
Consider whether changes are needed for growth or efficiency. |
Evaluate your business's legal structure. |
Supplier and Vendor Assessment: |
Consider negotiating better terms or exploring new partnerships. |
Review relationships with suppliers and subcontractors. |
Environmental and Social Responsibility Check: |
Assess your business's environmental and social impact. |
Implement or enhance sustainability practices. |
Sales and Marketing |
Market Research: |
Conduct market research to identify new trends and opportunities. |
Assess the competitive landscape. |
Marketing Updates: |
Review and update marketing materials and strategies. |
Clients |
Customer Feedback Analysis: |
Analyze customer feedback received over the past six months. |
Customer Retention Strategies: |
Assess the effectiveness of customer retention strategies. |
Adjust or implement new strategies as needed. |
Workforce |
Employee Satisfaction Survey: |
Conduct an employee satisfaction survey. |
Use feedback to enhance the workplace culture. |
Employee Training and Development: |
Identify training needs for your team. |
Plan for professional development opportunities. |
Employee Benefits Review: |
Consider adjustments or enhancements to benefits. |
Review employee benefit plans. |
Finance and Risk |
Financial Audit: |
Review financial statements and records for accuracy. |
Conduct a thorough financial audit. |
Schedule meeting with lenders to update company information. |
Budget Review: |
Adjust the budget for the remaining months of the year. |
Evaluate the effectiveness of your budgeting process. |
Legal Compliance Review: |
Conduct a comprehensive legal compliance review. |
Ensure that all licenses and permits are up-to-date. |
Insurance Assessment: |
Ensure that coverage aligns with business needs. |
Review insurance policies for pricing and coverages. |
IT Security Audit: |
Conduct an IT security audit. |
Ensure that cybersecurity measures are up-to-date. |
PRINT: Portrait, Margins=Minimum, Scale=Default |
for: |
Date Completed: |
by: |
Personal |
Communication: |
Communicate with stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers) re relevant information about the business's performance and plans. |
Charitable Contributions: |
If applicable, consider making any charitable contributions before the end of the year for potential tax benefits. |
Operations |
Strategic Planning: |
Develop a strategic plan for growth and improvement. |
Plan next year's marketing strategy. |
Reflect on the overall performance of your business during the past year. |
Set goals and objectives for the upcoming year. |
Technology and Equipment: |
Assess the condition of your equipment and technology. |
Check that website domain ownership is secure |
Plan for upgrades or replacements as needed. |
Update copyright notice on website |
Health and Safety Compliance: |
Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations. |
Update safety protocols and conduct necessary training. |
Workforce |
Employee Matters: |
Review, revise, and re-Issue Terms and Conditions to all Subcontractors. |
Ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations. |
Review Paid Time Off (PTO) employee policies |
Review profit-sharing/bonus policy. |
Verify employee information (https://www.ssa.gov/employer/ssnv.htm) |
Update employee records, including salary adjustments, promotions, and terminations. |
Determine which employees have benefit changes for next year |
Adjust accounting platform for new tax rates for the coming year. |
Finance and Risk |
Financial Statements: |
Prepare financial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. |
Review your financial performance for the year. |
Create a written budget for next year |
Budget Review: |
Evaluate your business's performance against the budget you set at the beginning of the year. |
Create the budget for the upcoming year based on your review. |
A/R and A/P |
Review accounts receivable and follow up on any overdue payments. |
Insurance Review: |
Review your business insurance coverage and make any necessary adjustments. |
Ensure that your coverage is adequate for the upcoming year. |
Inventory Management: |
Conduct a physical inventory count and reconcile it with your records. |
Write off any obsolete or unsellable inventory. |
Legal Compliance: |
Check legal status with State |
Close any inactive businesses |
Ensure compliance with all relevant business licenses and permits. |
File Annual Report for business. |
Hold annual shareholder's meeting |
Review contracts and agreements, renewing or renegotiating as necessary. |
Tax Compliance: |
Consider any year-end tax planning strategies. |
Ensure all tax filings are up-to-date and accurate. |
Pay Company property taxes. |
Review changes in tax laws that may affect your business. |
Recordkeeping: |
Archive or securely store old records as needed. |
Ensure that all business records are organized and up-to-date. |
PRINT: Portrait, Margins=Minimum, Scale=Default |