
Date Completed:



Morning Routine:

Take 15-30 minutes to review your schedule and prioritize tasks for the day.

Check emails and respond to urgent messages.

End-of-Day Review:

Review what was accomplished during the day.

Plan for the next day's tasks and priorities.


Build and maintain relationships that can benefit your business.


Team Briefing:

Hold a brief (15-30 minute) morning meeting to discuss priorities and address any immediate concerns.

Review Supervisor entries for each current project. Discuss exceptions with supervisors.

Review schedules for each current project to determine where problems might be coming

Ensure that everyone is clear on their tasks for the day.

Task Delegation:

Delegate tasks to appropriate team members.

Empower your team to take ownership of their responsibilities.

Task Execution:

Execute and oversee key tasks and projects.

Review Metrics:

Identify any trends or issues that need attention.

Monitor daily key performance indicators (KPIs).

Health and Safety:

Address any immediate safety concerns.

Ensure that safety protocols are being followed.

Document Management:

Organize and archive important business documents.

Sales and Marketing

Sales Monitoring:

Track daily sales and compare them to targets.


Employee Interaction:

Address any HR-related issues promptly.

Provide feedback and support to employees.


Customer Engagement:

Respond to customer inquiries and address any issues.

Finance and Risk

Financial Check:

Determine balances in operations checking accounts

Monitor daily cash flow and review any major financial transactions.

File Management

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Date Completed:




Identify areas for personal and professional growth.

Take time for self-reflection on your leadership and business decisions.


Task Prioritization:

Ensure that deadlines are being met.

Review and update task lists and project priorities.

Review Metrics:

Analyze trends and identify areas for improvement.

Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your business.

Review Goals:

Adjust goals for the upcoming week based on performance.

Evaluate progress toward weekly goals.

Strategic Planning:

Adjust strategies based on emerging trends or challenges.

Evaluate progress toward long-term goals.

Technology and Systems Check:

Ensure that your business technology is functioning properly.

Schedule any necessary software updates or maintenance.

Social Media and Online Presence:

Monitor online reviews and respond to customer comments.

Update social media profiles and post relevant content.

Document Organization:

Ensure that records are up-to-date and easily accessible.

Organize and file important documents.

Sales and Marketing

Sales and Marketing:

Review status of all prospective projects.

Evaluate sales performance against targets.


Customer Engagement:

Review status of pending Estimates

Monitor customer feedback on social media and other platforms.

Customer Follow-up:

Follow up with key customers or clients.


Employee Check-in:

Hold a brief team meeting to discuss priorities and address any concerns.

Finance and Risk

Review Financials:

Review weekly financial reports

Monitor expenses and revenue against your budget.

Use Six-Week Cash Flow Analysis to check your cash flow.

Check Cash Position:

Monitor your cash position and ensure you have enough funds for upcoming expenses.

Review outstanding invoices and follow up on payments.

Legal and Compliance Check:

Review any upcoming compliance deadlines.

File Management

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Date Completed:



Reflection and Planning:

Take time to reflect on the month's performance.

Plan for the upcoming month, adjusting strategies and setting priorities.


Communicate with key stakeholders, including employees and suppliers, to address any issues and provide updates.


Goal Assessment:

Adjust goals or strategies based on your monthly performance.

Evaluate progress toward your business goals.

Performance Metrics:

Analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your business.

Assess the effectiveness of your strategies and make adjustments as needed.

Technology Check:

Ensure that your business technology, including software and hardware, is functioning properly.

Update software and perform necessary system maintenance.

Document Management:

Ensure that all receipts, invoices, and financial records are properly filed.

Sales and Marketing

Customer Acquisition:

Evaluate the success of recent customer acquisition efforts.

Explore new ways to acquire customers or clients.

Sales and Marketing:

Plan and execute marketing initiatives.

Customer Feedback:

Identify areas for improvement in customer satisfaction.

Review customer feedback and address any issues or concerns.

Marketing Updates:

Plan and schedule social media posts.

Finance and Risk

Bank Reconciliation:

Check balances of all Lines of Credit

Investigate and resolve any discrepancies.

Reconcile all credit card accounts

Reconcile your bank statements to ensure they match your accounting records.

Expense Review:

Ensure that all expenses are properly documented and categorized.

Review all business expenses and identify any areas where costs can be reduced.

Financial Statements:

Generate and review monthly financial statements, including an income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Review your financial performance and identify any variances from your budget or expectations.

Budget vs. Actual Analysis:

Analyze any significant differences and adjust your future budgets accordingly.

Compare your actual financial results with your budgeted figures.

Review Budget-to-Actual report for each current job.

Accounts Payable:

Review accounts payable and ensure that all bills are scheduled for payment.

Take advantage of any early payment discounts offered by vendors.

Accounts Receivable:

Consider sending reminders or making collection calls if necessary.

Review accounts receivable and follow up on any overdue payments.

Legal Compliance:

Ensure compliance with any legal requirements, such as business licenses and permits.

Review contracts and agreements to ensure they are up-to-date.

Tax Planning:

Keep track of deductible expenses and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Monitor your tax obligations and consider any tax planning opportunities.

File Management

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Date Completed:



Networking and Industry Involvement:

Attend industry events or network with peers.

Stay informed about industry trends and innovations.


Review Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Analyze KPIs relevant to your business.

Identify areas for improvement or optimization.

Goal Adjustment:

Adjust goals for the upcoming quarter if needed.

Evaluate progress toward annual goals.

Strategic Planning:

Adjust your business strategies for the next quarter and beyond.

Evaluate progress toward your annual goals and objectives.

Quarterly Business Review Meeting:

Conduct a comprehensive review meeting with key stakeholders.

Discuss performance, challenges, and strategies moving forward.

Technology Update:

Assess the performance of your business technology.

Google your company and review the information you find

Plan for any necessary updates or upgrades.

Document Management:

Ensure that records are up-to-date and easily accessible.

Sales and Marketing

Marketing Evaluation:

Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

Adjust marketing plans based on performance.

Market Analysis:

Identify opportunities or threats to your business.

Review market trends and changes in the competitive landscape.

Sales Monitoring:

Adjust sales strategies based on performance.


Customer Feedback Analysis:

Analyze customer feedback and satisfaction data.

Implement improvements based on customer feedback.

Customer Retention Strategies:

Develop strategies to retain existing customers.

Implement loyalty programs or special offers.


Employee Performance Reviews:

Conduct performance reviews for your team.

Set goals and expectations for the next quarter.

Feedback from Employees:

Solicit feedback from employees on company processes and culture.

Use feedback to make improvements.

Training and Development:

Identify training needs for yourself and your team.

Plan for professional development opportunities.

Finance and Risk

Employee Payroll:

Remit payroll taxes and any other required deductions.

Budget Adjustment:

Adjust the budget for the remaining quarters based on your analysis.

Compare actual financial performance to the budget.

Financial Review:

Analyze revenue, expenses, and profits for trends and anomalies.

Conduct a comprehensive review of your financial statements.

Legal Compliance Check:

Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.

Review contracts and agreements for renewal or updates.

Tax Planning:

Identify potential tax-saving opportunities.

Review your tax position and consult with your accountant.

File Management

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Date Completed:



Networking and Industry Involvement:

Network with peers and stay informed about industry developments.

Attend industry conferences or events.


Performance Metrics Review:

Identify trends and areas for improvement.

Review and analyze performance metrics.

Operational Efficiency Evaluation:

Evaluate the efficiency of your business operations.

Identify areas for streamlining processes.

SWOT Analysis:

Conduct a semi-annual SWOT analysis.

Strategic Planning Session:

Hold a strategic planning session.

Reassess long-term goals and adjust strategies as needed.

Legal Structure Review:

Consider whether changes are needed for growth or efficiency.

Evaluate your business's legal structure.

Supplier and Vendor Assessment:

Consider negotiating better terms or exploring new partnerships.

Review relationships with suppliers and subcontractors.

Environmental and Social Responsibility Check:

Assess your business's environmental and social impact.

Implement or enhance sustainability practices.

Sales and Marketing

Market Research:

Conduct market research to identify new trends and opportunities.

Assess the competitive landscape.

Marketing Updates:

Review and update marketing materials and strategies.


Customer Feedback Analysis:

Analyze customer feedback received over the past six months.

Customer Retention Strategies:

Assess the effectiveness of customer retention strategies.

Adjust or implement new strategies as needed.


Employee Satisfaction Survey:

Conduct an employee satisfaction survey.

Use feedback to enhance the workplace culture.

Employee Training and Development:

Identify training needs for your team.

Plan for professional development opportunities.

Employee Benefits Review:

Consider adjustments or enhancements to benefits.

Review employee benefit plans.

Finance and Risk

Financial Audit:

Review financial statements and records for accuracy.

Conduct a thorough financial audit.

Schedule meeting with lenders to update company information.

Budget Review:

Adjust the budget for the remaining months of the year.

Evaluate the effectiveness of your budgeting process.

Legal Compliance Review:

Conduct a comprehensive legal compliance review.

Ensure that all licenses and permits are up-to-date.

Insurance Assessment:

Ensure that coverage aligns with business needs.

Review insurance policies for pricing and coverages.

IT Security Audit:

Conduct an IT security audit.

Ensure that cybersecurity measures are up-to-date.

File Management

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Date Completed:




Communicate with stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers) re relevant information about the business's performance and plans.

Charitable Contributions:

If applicable, consider making any charitable contributions before the end of the year for potential tax benefits.


Strategic Planning:

Develop a strategic plan for growth and improvement.

Plan next year's marketing strategy.

Reflect on the overall performance of your business during the past year.

Set goals and objectives for the upcoming year.

Technology and Equipment:

Assess the condition of your equipment and technology.

Check that website domain ownership is secure

Plan for upgrades or replacements as needed.

Update copyright notice on website

Health and Safety Compliance:

Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.

Update safety protocols and conduct necessary training.


Employee Matters:

Review, revise, and re-Issue Terms and Conditions to all Subcontractors.

Ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Review Paid Time Off (PTO) employee policies

Review profit-sharing/bonus policy.

Verify employee information (https://www.ssa.gov/employer/ssnv.htm)

Update employee records, including salary adjustments, promotions, and terminations.

Determine which employees have benefit changes for next year

Adjust accounting platform for new tax rates for the coming year.

Finance and Risk

Financial Statements:

Prepare financial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Review your financial performance for the year.

Create a written budget for next year

Budget Review:

Evaluate your business's performance against the budget you set at the beginning of the year.

Create the budget for the upcoming year based on your review.

A/R and A/P

Review accounts receivable and follow up on any overdue payments.

Insurance Review:

Review your business insurance coverage and make any necessary adjustments.

Ensure that your coverage is adequate for the upcoming year.

Inventory Management:

Conduct a physical inventory count and reconcile it with your records.

Write off any obsolete or unsellable inventory.

Legal Compliance:

Check legal status with State

Close any inactive businesses

Ensure compliance with all relevant business licenses and permits.

File Annual Report for business.

Hold annual shareholder's meeting

Review contracts and agreements, renewing or renegotiating as necessary.

Tax Compliance:

Consider any year-end tax planning strategies.

Ensure all tax filings are up-to-date and accurate.

Pay Company property taxes.

Review changes in tax laws that may affect your business.


Archive or securely store old records as needed.

Ensure that all business records are organized and up-to-date.

File Management

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