Your success as a General Contractor depends on the quality of work performed by your subcontractors.
You should periodically analyze the performance of your subcontractors and whether or not they are contributing to the success of your construction company.
This form will help you do that.
Complete the Evaluation Information section.
At the Core Values and Objectives section, rate the performance of the subcontractor relative to their contribution to your construction company.
Generally, go with your first response to the item. Do not overthink your response.
Provide comments or examples if they are appropriate.
At the Management Summary section, highlight how the subcontractor can improve their performance.
Suggest training or procedures that will improve the performance of the subcontractor.
Use the form to create a record of the subcontractor contribution to the company;
Use the form as a discussion piece in a face-to-face evaluation of a subcontractor;
Share the form with the subcontractor as a part of the evaluation process.
The purpose of the form is to determine if the subcontractor is performing at a level that adds value to your business.
Don’t sugar-coat your suggestions.
The success of your business relies on your subcontractor workforce.