Building Costs by Phase

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  • This form will provide a rough idea of the cost of building a new house.
  • It is based on historical numbers for each phase of a construction project.
  • All percentage costs and schedule parameters are customizable.
  • Enter the “Square footage of project” and the “Estimated Build cost per SF” figures, and the worksheet will break out the phases based on the survey results.

  • As presented, the variables are based on national averages. The “Activity”, “Phase”, “Work Days”, and “% of Cost” variables can be customized for your business model. If you do customize the variables, just be sure that the totals still aggregate to 100%. If you customize this tool for your business model, save it as a template so you can call it up to use for future analyses.

  • Use this tool to create a quick estimate of building costs or to compare an estimate you have created for a project.

If you are benchmarking your estimate —
  • This model focuses on project hard costs.
  • Your estimating platform should break-out total hard costs.
  • Enter the hard costs/sf at the “Estimated Build cost per sf:”.
If you are preparing a quick estimate for a client-
  • Make sure the number you use for “Estimated Build cost per sf:”  includes soft costs, profit, and overhead.
  • Explain to the Client that this price is representative of prices for other projects you have built at the comparative levels of finish and will change based on the finishes they select.
  • Write across the front of the form “Sample pricing breakdown-Not a Proposal“.
  • Bookmark this app for easy and quick access.
  • If you customize the “Time in Days” or the “% 0f Costs” parameters to fit your business model, save the changes as a template.
  • To re-use the template, access the app on the website, “Load” the template with the button at the lower left, and you are ready to go.  See the File Management tab for best practices for using the JSON files.