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[presto_playlist heading="Playlist" listTextSingular="Video" listTextPlural="Videos" transitionDuration=10 styles="--presto-playlist-highlight-color: #FF6600; --presto-playlist-text-color: white; --presto-playlist-background-color: black; --presto-playlist-border-radius: 12px;--presto-playlist-border-width: 5px;"] [presto_playlist_item id=52477 title="The Existential Estimate" duration="2:54"] [presto_playlist_item id=51237 title="Initial Specifications" duration="4:51"] [presto_playlist_item id=51236 title="Defining Overhead and Profit" duration="8:38"] [presto_playlist_item id=51237 title="Digging a Hole by Discounting" duration="8:32"] [presto_playlist_item id=52493 title="Enhance Your Sales Process" duration="6:18"] [presto_playlist_item id=52505 title="Estimating for More Sales, Bigger Profits" duration="6:11"] [/presto_playlist]



[presto_playlist heading="Playlist" listTextSingular="Video" listTextPlural="Videos" transitionDuration=10 styles="--presto-playlist-highlight-color: #FF6600; --presto-playlist-text-color: white; --presto-playlist-background-color: black; --presto-playlist-border-radius: 12px;--presto-playlist-border-width: 5px;"] [presto_playlist_item id=52452 title="What Should Margin Be?" duration="2:30"] [/presto_playlist]
[presto_playlist heading="Playlist" listTextSingular="Video" listTextPlural="Videos" transitionDuration=10 styles="--presto-playlist-highlight-color: #FF6600; --presto-playlist-text-color: white; --presto-playlist-background-color: black; --presto-playlist-border-radius: 12px;--presto-playlist-border-width: 5px;"] [presto_playlist_item id=51389 title="Add Icon to iPhone" duration="0:49"] [presto_playlist_item id=51390 title="Add Icon to Android" duration="0:49"] [presto_playlist_item id=51391 title="Add Bookmark to Desktop" duration="1:26"] [presto_playlist_item id=51392 title="Download a Worksheet" duration="1:19"] [presto_playlist_item id=51393 title="Download a Document" duration="0:59"] [presto_playlist_item id=51394 title="Change Business Name/Logo" duration="1:16"] [/presto_playlist]

Select a tab...

  • Use this analysis in the final project de-briefing to calculate the actual margin achieved on the project.  If the project margin is unacceptable, dig into the numbers to find out why.  Was the project estimated too low?  Was there a large amount of slippage in the material costs?  Were there change orders that did not get processed?
  • The “Specifications” tab has a listing of default project issues.  You may customize it by adding your own or editing any of the existing items.
  • The “Specifications” tab also provides spaces to add your company Project Managers/Site Supervisors.
  • Be sure to save a copy of the app as your template when you make any changes. Then when you use the report for your next project, simply call up the template and all your custom information is ready for you.
  • The “Specifications” tab has a listing of default project issues.  You may customize it by adding your own or editing any of the existing items. 
  • The “Specifications” tab also provides spaces for list your Project Managers or Site Supervisors.
  • Be sure to save a copy of the app as your template when you customize the app for your use.
  • File a copy of the report in the Job binder when the analysis is completed.

Multiple systems focus on getting the lead on the phone or walking through your office door.  Branding, advertising, website design, client journey planning… all have this single focus.

Once the Lead commits to making contact with your company, you must have a system that demonstrates:

  • Your gratitude that the Lead has chosen to contact your company;
  • Your capability to perform to the Lead’s expectations;
  • The commitment you have made to developing a system to make certain your Company and the Lead are a match.  
  1. Use this form to collect information from Leads that contact the office by telephone or that walk-in.

  2. You can use it while on the phone or complete it after initial contact with the lead.

  3. Once you enter the “Representative email” information, a completed copy of this form will be sent to your email when you click on “Send”.

  4. If you enter email information into either of the “Copy to” boxes, a copy of the form will be sent to those addresses as well.

  5. Be certain to respond as requested by the Lead, and copy your response to the Lead’s file as well.

  1. For quicker access, add this form to Bookmarks Bar.

  2. For even quicker access, open the page and leave it open in the server.  Then just click on the tab to use.

  3. You can create an email address such as “” where a copy of all lead intake forms would be sent when completed.  That way, you would have an archive of all contacts to review for calculating the sales conversion ratio and for completing the information required in the Customer Journey Analysis form.
  1.  Save this file where it can be accessed for monthly updates.  File management instructions are shown at the bottom left of the app.
  2.  Enter data only in the green boxes.
  3.  Sample quarters are provided as examples.
  4.  The appropriate overhead allocations will be calculated automatically once the data has been entered.
  5.  Make the adjustments monthly, quarterly or annually by making a General Journal entry to your accounting platform.
  1. Enter Project Name at “Job” column.
  2. Enter date Project was started (01/22/20XX) at “Start” column
  3. Enter date Project was completed (9/12/20XX) at “Complete” column.
  4. Enter days this month that Project was active. If project was started during the month, enter from start day to end of month. If project was completed during the month, enter days from first of month to completion day.

Client Management

(paid subscription)

Client Management

(paid subscription)

Use this form to track ALL leads as they move through the Customer Journey process.

(Start the Lead Tracking process with the Lead Intake Form)

  • Enter the Company Name and the Year on the “Dashboard” page.  The Dashboard will provide analysis of the lead progressions on a monthly basis.
  • Enter the information requested for each lead in the month in which that lead was generated.
  • Update the lead information as the lead moves from Contact to Contract.
  • It is important that the information be updated on a regular basis.  I recommend that the updates occur on a weekly basis, at a set time, so the information is available for weekly meetings.
  • Use the results to determine how successful your sales process is at producing customers and revenue for your company.
  • Be sure to save the file to the Company folder so the information can be accessed, reviewed and updated as needed.