This custom schedule provides an opportunity to build your own schedule to fit your business model.
Spread your schedule over as many weeks as necessary. You do not have to use all weeks available.
Enter the Project ID,
Enter the Beginning date,
Enter the Starting Week Count.
I generally use the Monday of Beginning date week, or the Monday of the week following the Contract Date.
I generally use the week the Permit is issued as week 0, which means the Starting Week Count would be -3 in this schedule.
Clicking on the “Week #” will take you to that week.
The Dashboard shows the number of tasks completed and the overall number of tasks for each week.
When all tasks are completed for the week, a “◄” will show for that week.
Enter the names of the individuals who will be involved in this project.
Names can be added or edited at any time.
A default listing of all tasks I use in creating a schedule.
Tasks can be edited or customized as needed.
Tasks can be added in the green-shaded cells.
You can use the Master Task Library to build your custom schedule.
“Copy” the task and “Paste” to a weekly page. You can check the checkbox to the left of the task to indicate that the task has been copied.
The task will remain in the Master Task Library to be used elsewhere in the schedule..
“Cut” the task and “Paste” to a weekly page.
This will remove the task from the Master Task Library.
There is also a Master Task Library pop-up on the web page which will make it easier to build a custom schedule. You won’t have to move back and forth between pages of the app.
Select the Project Status from the dropdown.
Add tasks from the Master Task Library or add your own custom tasks.
Assign the tasks from the drop-down under “Assigned to”.
All tasks may be customized per your requirements.
Additional tasks may be added in the pale green cells.
Once you have a schedule that fits your business model, save that schedule as a custom template.
When you start a new project, “Load” your custom template.
Make any task changes necessary for the specific project, and the schedule is ready to go.
This sequential schedule is meant to be accessed and updated every week.
Access the app, and load the saved file. Update for the current week, and save the file using the same filename. See the “File Management” link at the bottom left of the page for instructions.
Print a copy of the weekly schedule for each project prior to the weekly production meeting.
Each page has printing suggestions in the lower left of the page.
You will also find instructions on managing the file in the “File Management” link available there.