Back to: Your Foundation Course (Premium)
Watch the video “The Entrepreneurial Seizure” and then respond to the survey questions for your construction business as it is today.
If you are working on the FOUNDATION course prior to starting your construction business, you may not have answers to some of the questions. In that circumstance, answer the questions as you expect to be the case in a year or so.
Be brutally honest with yourself. If the answer to a question makes you uncomfortable, recognize that the topic is probably something you need to work on. You are the only one seeing the answers you provide, so try to answer every question accurately. Honest answers will make the process much more valuable and useful for you.
This document is a quick survey of your business. Later surveys will address the individual topics in much more detail. This first survey will lay the groundwork for the discoveries coming as you progress through the course.
This exercise is meant to get you thinking about what must be considered as you build your new company. You are encouraged to save and file copies of each survey so you can refer to the information and to your responses as you move through the courses and beyond.