JSON Files

  • Data generated in Builder Resources apps is saved in JSON format for quick and easy recall and customization.
  • The JSON file is initially saved to the “Downloads” file on your computer.  From there you can rename it and/or move it to a project file on your computer.
  • To resume work on a saved file, simply access and open the app, “Load” the JSON file on which you wish to continue working, and resume data input and customization.
  • Access the Builder app of your choice.
  • Input the data requested in the light green cells.
  • Automatic calculations appear in the light orange cells.
  • Some apps are composed of multiple pages, with a dashboard page on which general information is entered and then distributed to other pages. In most cases, the information on the dashboard page must be entered for the app to function.
  • Many of the apps provide for customization.  Experiment to find the best mix for your use case.
  • Note the “Print”, “Load”, and “Save” buttons at the bottom left of the app.
  • If you intend to use multiple iterations of the app (i.e.  Client Management  or Project Profitability), create you own master template of the app.
    • Call up the app;
    • Enter Company information and any specific customizations;
    • Save the app as “(Name of App)-Template”;
    • When you wish to use the app;
      • Access the app;
      • Load the “(Name of App)-Template”
      • Enter specific project data;
      • Save as the specific project name.
  • When you are using any Builder-BOS app, you can “Save” the information you have entered at any point.
  • Simply “Save” the file.  Find the “Save” button at the lower left of the document.
  • The file will save as a JSON file to the “Downloads” folder on your computer.
  • Go to the “Downloads” folder after saving.
  • Rename the file so you can find it again for all future uses of the app and then drag this file to your “Projects” or any other applicable folder on your desktop.
  •  On the website, open the app you wish to use.
  • Select “Load” in the bottom left of the file, and load the file from the folder where you saved it.
  • The information you entered in the previous use will load, and you can begin entering more information or editing the existing information.
  • Use the “Save” button at the bottom left of the app, and follow the instructions above to save the new file.
  • You can either overwrite the file by using the same file name or create a new file by providing a new date or version number as part of the file name.
  • If the app contains a file which you have shared with the client, I recommend creating a new file, with a new date.  This will provide a trail of information to document your communication with the client.
  • Use the “Print” button at the bottom left of the app page.
  • Selecting this button will display a version of what the page will look like when printed.
  • Each app has a suggested printer setup for the page.
  • Your printer may require a different set-up than is shown.
  • You may be trying to load a version of the file into an update of the platform in which there was a structural change.
  • If that is the case, re-input the original information.
  • If you share the contents of the app with a client, when you update the information,  I recommend creating a new file, with a new date.  This will provide a trail of information to document your communication with the client.
  • Some of the apps are designed to be accessed sequentially (i.e. “Specification Changes”, “Work Orders”). Once you have completed a page in these apps, and have issued the document, DO NOT return to that page and make any changes. The app is set up to establish a document trail for your use.
    • Only one copy of these sequential apps is necessary for each project;
    • To create a new page, go to the first unused page and begin entering information.