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Conduct a mini-S.W.O.T. Analysis
STRENGTHS - Can I identify three competitive strengths of my company?
WEAKNESSES - What are the three weaknesses of greatest concern in my company?
OPPORTUNITIES - Where in the market are the three most exciting opportunities for my company?
THREATS - What have I identified as the three most serious market threats to my company?
Given the above S.W.O.T Analysis, I have identified the following important marketing initiative(s) to accomplish in the next year
Conduct market research
What pain is the market experiencing, or what gain is the market seeking, for which my company can develop an answer?
What, precisely, will my business sell to alleviate the pain or achieve the gain for my market segment?
How many units are built annually in this market segment?
What is the annual size of the market segment in dollars?
How many buyers are in my market segment?
What percentage of this market segment can I control in 3 years?
Define market demographics
Who are my potential customers?
What is the annual household income of my potential buyer?
< $50,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $250,000 - $500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 > $1,000,000
Can I name three characteristics that differentiate my potential buyer from other buyers in the market?
Create your UVP (Unique Value Proposition)
What is the main problem my business will address for my potential buyers?
What are three important benefits my buyers will realize from doing business with my company?
What promise am I willing to make, and deliver on , to my buyer?
What short phrase expresses my solutions, benefits, and promise to my potential buyer?
Explain your branding strategy
Here are three positives for the name I have selected for the business:
What are the three main colors I will use in my branding, and why?
Why that shape?
Create the company logo
Establish a web presence
The domain name for my construction business is:
With which hosting company is my domain name registered?
Which hosting company will host my website?
If so, the name of the website development company is:
Public Relations
Which publicity channels will I employ to announce information about my company?
Which local charitable efforts will my company support? Why?
Market intelligence - who are my competitors?
Who are my three main competitors for my selected market segment?
What do each of these competitors do best?
What are the major weaknesses of each of these competitors?
Why would a prospect want to buy my offering instead of the offerings of each competitor?
How will I position my offerings relative to my major competitors?
Note 1
Note 2
Note 3
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