Contains weekly tasks from Week (-3) to Week 15. Week 0 is the week that the building permit is issued. Total building time of 19 weeks can be customized by adding or removing weeks or by moving tasks to different weeks.
Displays all steps for each building phase (Foundation, Framing, exterior doors, HVAC, Electrical, etc.). User assigns schedule as fits the company construction process.
All the tasks are organized by company function. This allows for the creation of a separate schedule for each accountability. Includes Sales/Operations, Pricing/Quotes, Vendor/Subcontractor Agreements, Order/Schedule, On Job Site/Receive-Install, and Quality Control/Inspection Reports.
This file contains each of the scheduling options. It is a very big file, and takes some time to download. After loading, select the option to be used and delete the others.
Tracks: Managing a Construction Project
Categories: 08.2.Project Management With Asana, 10.1.Asana