Project Draw Request

  • This form:
    • requests payment per the contract milestones,
    • references any Specification Change Documents that have been created and are due,
    • shows the original and updated contract amounts,
    • provides a summary of the financial activity on the project, and
    • will speed up the processing of the Draw Request.
  • Complete the Project information at the Dashboard, including the milestone draws.
  • Click on “01” to open the first Draw Request for the Project.
    • Enter the date of the request.
    • The corresponding milestone draw is added by default.
    • Use the dropdown menu to add the appropriate change orders and amounts.
    • Enter other contract changes in the green-shaded comment cells.
    • Enter the amount paid on the previous draw request at “Payment Summary”.
    • Enter the “Draw Request Issued by” information.
  • The “Administrative Followup” information can be added later.
  • Print a copy of the document and submit it to the Client for signature.
  • Create a Company template for this form by opening the Dashboard and completing the Company information.
  • Save the form as “Project Draw Request Template” in the appropriate file.
    • I use a “Templates” folder for all templates.
  • To use the Template, access the app in Builder-BOS, “Load” the Template, enter the Project information, and proceed.
  • Save the new document in the appropriate Project file.
  • Include the signed Notice of Acceptance with the Draw Request for this milestone.