Accounts Payable Aging Report

  • Monitor Accounts Payable to ensure that your financial obligations are not getting out of hand
  • Manage your subcontractor and supplier relationships
  1. Using the Accounts Payable Aging report from your accounting platform, enter the amounts in appropriate month and status cells.
  2. Save the document by using the “Save” button at the bottom of the document.
  3. Move the document to a file on your computer where you will be able to recall the document.
  4. Next period, recall the document, add amounts for that period.
  5. Continue the process for the entire year to create charts showing the trend for your accounts payable .
  • This information provides a methodology for keeping an eye on your accounts payable and will alert you to any negative developments. 
  • Monitor this report for planning to improve or maintain a positive relationship with your suppliers and subcontractors.