The manager completes the form to create a record of the employee contribution to the company;
The manager completes the form and uses it as a discussion piece in the face-to-face evaluation of an employee;
The manager completes the form and shares it with the employee as a part of the evaluation process;
The manager completes the form and the employee is provided a blank copy of the form to complete and bring to the evaluation meeting. The manager and the employee then use the forms as a basis for discussion of the employee’s contribution to the Company.
Enter the employee information.
At the “Core Values and Objectives” section, use the rating criteria to document the performance of the employee.
Provide examples of the performance so you can offer constructive suggestions to the employee.
At the “Management Summary”, offer suggestions to improve the employees contributions to the company.
If training is available or recommended, make those suggestions here.
Provide the “Overall Employee Status Rating” to inform the employee of their status in the Company.
I have found that my initial response to the “Core Values and Objectives” topic for the employee is the most real. Go with that!
Don’t overthink and rationalize the response.
Complete this form for each employee at each review period.
Conduct the evaluations at least annually. Consider evaluating performance quarterly or semi-annually, if time permits.
Provide access to this app for your management team so they can conduct an evaluation of your performance.
To print a blank form, call up the app and go immediately to the “Print” button at the bottom left.